Privacy Policy

This privacy policy clarifies how we, referred to as “we” and “us” in this policy, collect and utilize personal information from you when you use our website

As a business, we are dedicated to respecting and safeguarding the privacy of everyone we engage with. We will consistently handle your personal information in accordance with relevant privacy and data protection laws.

The aim of this Privacy Policy is to offer transparency regarding the information collection process on this website.


We’re committed to keeping your personal info safe and private, and we won’t keep it longer than needed. Sometimes, we might get help from others in our group or outside parties to handle our tech systems, including some in other countries. We only share your info with them if we’re sure they have enough protection to keep it safe and follow privacy laws.


We don’t sell or rent any info that personally identifies you to anyone else.

However, we might share this info if there’s a legal reason, like a court order or law enforcement request, or if we need to investigate or prevent illegal activities, as mandated by law.


We might update this policy occasionally by making changes to this page. It’s a good idea to check this page now and then to stay informed about any modifications. The last update to this policy was made on 5 January 2024.


If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know by contacting us directly:

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